Weather stations

A full range of weather stations or more complete wireless monitoring systems is available, powered by solar panel and an online platform, which can be installed in all climate zones and that can be used in different production sectors with different purposes – from agriculture, where they find their primary use, to research to hydrology, meteorology, flood alerts and many others.

iMETOS IMT stations are robust and reliable, suitable for any need in your field.
They transmit real-time weather data (air temperature, relative humidity, rain gauge, leaf wetting, wind speed, solar radiation, etc.) via GSM/GPRS without the need for an infrastructure at the installation site.
They can also send SMS alerts (set by the user via the Internet) to alert you in case of frosts, heavy rain, high temperature and more.

Data is regularly uploaded to the FieldClimate platform where it can be accessed from anywhere, anytime in real time. In addition to access to historical data and daily evapottraspiration values, you can also take advantage of decision support solutions such as localized weather forecasts, phytopathological models and irrigation management.

Agrometereological monitoring for colture crop defense optimization

A model of plant disease is the mathematical description of the interactions that exist between the environment, the host plant and the pathogen-related variables that can lead to the development of the disease.
The development of pathogens is a function of temperature, humidity, wetting and rain parameters.
These parameters measured through agromeathes are the input of forecast models.
The most advanced models are those that allow to predict the incidence or severity of the pathology and also the development of the inoculation.
The models used have been developed to provide the farm with the best information available for an informed decision-making process, which allows the best use of defence weapons that allow quality and quantity production to be obtained. Most of our models have been born out of international scientific collaborations with the direct involvement of several research institutes and universities around the world over the past 30 years. Their use by farmers for several years in different climates, environments and continents has
confirmed their validity over time.

To give a practical example, information management in vineyards is essential to improve the decision-making process that leads to the production of high-quality grapes, a starting point for the production of excellent wines


  • Virtual weather station: an ideal economic solution for those who want to familiarize themselves with smart farming, but
    does not want to buy a real weather station (cooperatives, farmers, farmers’ associations), or for those who need or want to offer their customer/public a given weather or phytopathological models.
  • iMETOS® IMT80 includes sensors related to Air Temperature and Relative Humidity and a Flood meter
  • iMETOS® IMT180 includes sensors related to Air Temperature and Relative Humidity and a Flood meter
  • iMETOS® IMT200 includes sensors related to Air Temperature and Relative Humidity. and Leaf Bathing and a Rain meter.
  • iMETOS® IMT280 includes a Flood meter and all the sensors needed to calculate The Evacuation: Air Temperature and Relative Humidity., Global Radiation and Wind Speed
  • iMETOS® IMT300 includes all the sensors needed for the calculation of Evapotraspiration and Phytopathological models: Air Temperature and Relative Humidity., Rain gauge, Global Radiation, Wind Speed and Leaf Bathing.Do you want more sensors? You can add up to 400 additional sensors to the wide supported range.